Hydro One Design Jam
We were tasked with creating a fun and engaging digital platform for individuals and communities to become more educated and take action on household energy conservation by Hydro One.
Phases of our Design Process
● Brainwriting
● Dot Voting
● Further Ideation
● Advanced Dot Voting
● Concept Statement
● Storyboard
● Low-fi and High-fi wireframes
● Presentation
For Brainwriting we wrote down our ideas and concepts to see what direction we are going to take for this project.
Dot Voting
Then, we put the stickies with our ideas on a clear flat surface and dot voted the most promising examples to further advance the idea.
Further Ideation
Using dot voting we were able to narrow down our ideas to specific ones we considered to be the most promising. Then we proceeded developing those ideas.
Advanced Dot Voting
Advanced dot voting allowed us to develop our narrowed ideas and converge in our opinions regarding our concept.
At this stage we collected all the ideas we had and started voting for the most viable ones.
The Presentation
Hydro One provides its consumers with the ability to access detailed data about their energy consumption habits, with the idea that they can best utilize the Ontario interval-based pricing.
But people generally don't care.
How might we create a fun and engaging digital platform for individuals and communities to become more educated and take action on household energy conservation?
In other words:
Do our customers know how they can save money?
We are going to design a product that highlights these 3 pillars
Encourage adults to login to their energy portal
Plant the seed to form great habits for life in Ontario
Decrease costs for old and new families
Zap! by Hydro One is for families who love to connect. Our monthly story series is the interactive educational tool that inspires, educates, and encourages great habits for our future.
Zap! app is the beginning of a larger cultural shift. By developing an educational tool for parents and children to interact with consecutively we can implement more effective technology use for an older generation while utilizing the best of technology for the younger generation who can’t live without it.
What makes Zap! the best?
● Sign into your energy portal to access free content
● Build your own character feature makes kids the star of their future
● Teaches Ontario specific interval based pricing (The stories will change based on time of day)
● Employs Canadian illustrators and writers each month
● When parents or grandparents read to the kids, they learn the same content in a way that makes sense